Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Instagram Insider

Left to right

1. Once again, we returned to Lulu's for their Munch A Bunch deal. This is a picture of their Calamari dish (one of my personal favorites). It probably seems like Grace and I go there far too often, but you can never have too much Lulus. At $18.95 for unlimited dim sum and entrees, who could refuse?
2. On Saturday I went to the Barstool Blackout Tour at the House of Blues. It's kind of like a rave geared towards college students. After previously attending Zed's Dead, Diplo, and Dayglow Blu, I was pretty unimpressed. The House of Blues is an undoubtedly awesome venue, but the place was overrun by high school kids and creepy frat star wanna-be's trying to dance with me (sorry fellas, I'm GDI till I die). At several points during the "rave" I had a legitimate fear of dying... have you ever heard stories about people getting trampled to death?? It's a real phenomenon!! Anyway, aside from being disgusted by hormonal boys and constantly fearing for my life, I had a great time with some of my good friends from Loyola and I'm sure it will be a night I won't forget.
3. April showers sure do bring May flowers! Loyola's campus is overrun with these beautiful tulips, and just in time for finals. Its great to be able to take a break from all the academic stress and just enjoy the surroundings, even if only for a moment.
4. The Dalai Lama came to visit us Loyolans last Thursday. Although I was unable to get a ticket, it was great to feel the spiritual buzz around campus. Students of all faiths were pumped to go see His Holiness, and I think the student body's collective excitement exemplifies Loyola's accepting environment. How could you NOT love the Dalai Lama... he's so cute!! And wise and a leader and stuff...


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