Sunday, May 13, 2012

DIY Topshop American Flag Jorts

Let's be honest here: we're struggling college students. We eat ramen 8 out of the 12 months of the year. We pay for our coffee in change. We spray our clothes with febreeze to avoid paying the $1.25/load charge (is this just me? uh...). We search out sketchy bars with cheap beer, and even after realizing that the beer is 50% water, we still drink it.
Most of us don't have the money to be buying designer label clothes.
(If you do, then good for you. Buy me an effing drink sometime)

$75 Topshop American Flag jorts
So, after months of lusting for a delicious pair of $75 Topshop American Flag jorts, I started thinking. SOMEONE somewhere had to have made those jorts. They sat down with a needle, thread, and some cheap fabric and made those jorts with their bare hands (okay maybe a sewing machine). So I sat down and made those jorts, dammit.
Here's how you can too:

1. Needle, thread, and lots of pins
2. Fabric glue
3. Cool fabric (I chose American Flag because I wanted to recreate the shorts)
4. Scissors
1. Find a pair of high-waisted, light-washed jeans in your closet or the Goodwill.
2. Mark off where you're going to cut. (Tip: the cut should be a little lower in the back)
3. Cut.
4. Fold up the hems of the shorts. You will probably need to iron them in place to get them to stay.

1. Lay the fabric over the shorts and pin it down.
2. The pins should be as close to the previous stitching as possible.
3. After you have sewn the fabric onto the shorts and cut off excess fabric, put a small amount of fabric glue over the stitching. This will help keep it in place.
4. A cute doggy can help with emotional support.

Voila! All done!

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