Friday, March 30, 2012

outfits of the day #1

arent i adorable?

So are lovely friend VAIVA took these wonderful photos for our first of many to come outfits of the day. we look so deep.
jortz-american eagle
loafers- madden
tights-no clue but i did a great job ripping them ):
purse-mark jacobs
ALSO I USED MY NEW LIPSTAIN it's great. covergirl.
sweater- zara
white shirt- h+m
tights/shorts- no clueeee
shoes- madden
purse- vintage dooney and bourke


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Crimping Iron

Grace bought this really cheap crimping iron (probably because it was pink) and we tested it out to see if it met our beauty tool standards. Surprisingly, it worked really well and caused us to think that the 90s grunge look should be reborn in a more tailored and sophisticated fashion. We also thought Grace looked pretty badass when we dressed her up in ripped tights, jean shorts, a black vest, black leather army boots, and plenty of chain necklaces. What do you think? Should 90s grunge make a comeback or should it stay hidden away in the basement with our Barbies and Bop-Its?


I LOOK SO HAWT. jk i just like that my hair isn't so flat.

An Intro

Hello reader(s). Is that narcissistic of me to think that we actually have reader(s) already? Well whatever, I'm just going to assume that someone (besides Grace) is reading this because it makes me feel a little less weird about blogging. I digress.

Neither of us really know what this blog is going to be about, but what we do know is that we have lots of things to say about the world, people, and events around us. Basically we just want to talk about ourselves because in the real world it is usually considered annoying and inappropriate to be so self-consumed. In lies the beauty of the virtual world: THERE ARE NO RULES.

(Do I sound crazy?)

Here is a list of things I'm fairly sure we will be covering throughout our run with High Kitties. Hello Heels:

strange things that happen
funny things that happen
shocking things that happen
cats (don't judge us)
things we find notable (this includes but is not limited to: articles, art, other blogs, stupid shit people say, etc.)
experiments with makeup and hair

Hopefully that is a good enough introduction because it is all I feel like writing right now.


friendship picz

my first post  is some of mine and allisons facebook pictures together.
1. this was the time that our friend nick fell asleep in our otter mask. not in his bed. in someone else's room. also, i'm not sure why i'm wearing a robin hood hat and i'm pretty sure that this is the first night me and allison hung out. it's clear from this picture it was going to be beautiful friendship. 

2. this was another appearance of the otter mask when me and allison didn't do anything except take a bunch of macbook pictures with our two friends and then a bunch of random girls that we don't know came in to allison's room and took shots with us. all in all, it was a success. 

3. this was the night of halloween when we thought people would go out because, hello it's halloween. but then we got to the bar and there was like six people there and they were all over the age of 30 and so we went back to allison's and took macbook pictures in a otter mask. ps. i was tinkerbell, allison was gold.. (???) and vaiva was beer. 

4. this was the time we went to clinique before new years eve in indianapolis and got our makeup done. we told them that we wanted a 'understated smokey eye' and came out looking like asian girls. so we took a picture. 

5. this is a picture at one of our favorite bars in downtown chicago where boys buy us shots for dancing on the bars. at this point this ASSHOLE was pulling me off the bar to make out with me, which is why im not posing. sorry i just went on a little rant. but this is usually a good time. 

6. this was the time that we went to a frat party and they told us the theme was neon and white out, so we decked ourselves out. then, we got there and everyone was dressed normally and at some point allison disappeared and i sent suhana home and then i was the only one dressed like this and therefore i felt awkward and made out with a boy who looked like an anorexic voldemort and kept calling me sammi... 

7. this is the time we sort of dated two boys that were best friends too and so we went to a frat formal with them and then later on they were both kind of jerks to us so i'm just going to keep this picture and pretend we went with each other. also, that's our black friend amare. he likes to photobomb pictures of us and we keep him around so we can say we have a black friend. (JK) (kinda). 
